
澳门银河网站总是有新的事情发生. Stay connected with us through news, social media, publications and more.


Donors open doors; on TAG Day, we say thanks!

澳门银河网站崇拜澳门银河网站的捐赠者, 因为澳门银河网站有,300--plus thank-you cards to donors were signed … more than 100 students participated in sharing their appreciation by volunteering to sign the cards … 400-plus “tags” were placed across campus … thank-you cards are headed for mailboxes now. 阴雨的、灰色的天当然不能浇去人们的兴致


Four faculty members have been honored for their excellence in teaching, 研究, 致力于人文和卓越的服务校园. The recognition and presentation of the annual 教师 Awards took place in conjunction with the winter Board of Trustees annual dinner, 星期四在韦翰礼堂, 2月. 15. 巨大的

On Day of Giving, Heidelberg surpasses goal, thanks to donor generosity

Nearly 200 donors showed their love for Heidelberg on the annual Day of Giving on Valentine’s Day, 帮助超过70美元的目标,为澳门银河网站基金会捐款. 整体, 捐赠者捐赠了共计72美元的礼物和认捐,545美元,比去年捐赠日的42美元有所增加,040. “We always say every gift matters, whether it’s small or large, but it truly


谢丽尔·克兰——作家, thought leader and future-of-work expert – gave students a flood of valuable insights and advice about expanding perspectives and professional opportunities and learning and growing at the speed of change in the working world. Her high-energy presentation on Wednesday kicked off HYPE Career Ready® for the spring semester. 一个

'Berg gets grant to offer computer science endorsement, free for K-12 teachers

从今年秋天开始, K-12 teachers will have an opportunity to gain a 计算机科学 Teacher Endorsement through 澳门银河网站, 免费. 这是因为澳门银河网站收到了290美元,000 in funds from the Teach CS Grant through the 俄亥俄州 Department of Higher 教育 (ODHE). 这笔拨款将为俄亥俄州1100名教育工作者提供资金


WILMINGTON - The Heidelberg men's basketball team had four players in double figures, 包括以赛亚·杨的两双, 周六,他们以79比70战胜了威尔明顿学院. HU closes the regular season winning three of their final five games. With the win, the Student Princes punched their ticket to this week's OAC Tournament


Heidelberg’s Speech Team continued their successful season at the 俄亥俄州 Forensics Association’s State Tournament at Akron University on 2月ruary 17. 在一起, Kelsey Stanfield, 埃利斯苍鹭, Taylor Ratliff and Belle Lawrence combined their talents to bring home the 2024 Team State Championship (President’s Division). 凯尔西领导了这个团队的工作


曾经是澳门银河网站家族的一员, 一直是澳门银河网站大家庭的一员——但在毕业之后, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, 然后问他们胡把你带到哪里去了. 乔安娜·卡塔拉诺

Tree Campus, USA: 'Berg receives recognition for campus' ecological beauty

In September 2022, President Rob Huntington gave retired Professor of 生物学 Dr. Ken Baker the go-ahead to explore two proposals to recognize and celebrate the beauty and ecological diversity of Heidelberg’s uniquely wooded campus grounds. The first project came to fruition during 澳门银河网站 Weekend on June 9, 2023, with the dedication of the


艾丽卡梅奥, 专攻运动科学的生物学讲师, 我在北京长大, 俄亥俄州. She earned her Bachelor of Science and Master’s in 教育 from Bowling Green University, and taught previously at 吃午饭 University before beginning work here at Heidelberg. 在她的教学生涯中,埃里卡对工作很熟悉


The 商学院 has welcomed a new economics specialist to its faculty. 这是澳门银河网站商学院的新副教授亚瑟·弗雷泽! 弗雷泽教授是小社区的忠实粉丝. 他之前在布莱恩特和斯特拉顿学院任教, Ursuline大学, 克利夫兰州立大学, 约翰·卡罗尔大学和凯霍加

她带你去哪里:Trace Reynolds

曾经是澳门银河网站家族的一员, 一直是澳门银河网站大家庭的一员——但在毕业之后, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, 然后问他们胡把你带到哪里去了. Trace Reynolds

格雷格·拉姆斯戴尔,音乐学院的新院长 & 剧院

Greg Ramsdell于2008年开始在澳门银河网站工作, after a brief stint down south while earning his DMA from Kansas University and taking his first appointment at the University of Central Arkansas. 源自Galion, 俄亥俄州, Greg was happy at the prospect of returning home to 俄亥俄州 to serve as the professor of vocal music education at


Dr. Virginia “Ginny” Gregg has one more degree than she did the last time you saw her! 教职员工每七年有资格休假一次. 上学期,博士. 葛雷格利用休假做了两份实习工作. As a student of Heidelberg’s 心理咨询文学硕士 (MAC) program, 她完成了最后的毕业要求


黑人历史月从今天开始. 在澳门银河网站的校园里, the observances and celebrations of this month are highlighting cultural expression, 参与和使信息更容易获得. “这次澳门银河网站的做法不同,亚伦·纳尔逊, 多元化总监, 包容与归属感, 共享, 就是提供更多的信息并不断尝试


Heidelberg’s Speech Team made a big statement at 俄亥俄州 University this past weekend. OU hosted both their annual 1804 Tournament which included schools from across the country as well as the 俄亥俄州 Forensics Associations’ Novice State Championship. Seniors Kelsey Stanfield and Julia Schaefer spoke their way onto the podium at the 1804 Tournament where


当科比·胡克, 学生王子橄榄球队的二年级后卫, 听说了康纳儿子的病情, 他知道他想做点什么. 康纳是汉考克县科里-罗森高中的三年级学生. He’s a football kicker and soccer player: an all-around athlete and hard-working kid. 最近,康纳被确诊


曾经是澳门银河网站家族的一员, 一直是澳门银河网站大家庭的一员——但在毕业之后, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, 然后问他们胡把你带到哪里去了. 茉莉花


Bridgette Burrus is a senior psychology major (with an art minor) from Hubbard, 俄亥俄州. 在她的校园里, she’s been highly involved: a volleyball player and secretary for Psi Chi (the psychology honorary). 当她进入春季学期, 只有一份实习工作阻碍了布里奇特获得学位. 布里奇特很安静,但是

校园悼念杰出澳门银河网站,恩人约翰·Q. 亚当斯

本周,澳门银河网站的校园哀悼去世的先生. 约翰问. 亚当斯的58, 谁对学生的成功做出了贡献, 澳门银河网站的成功, 永远存在于澳门银河网站身边吗. 下面是校长罗布·亨廷顿的校园公告. January 24, 2024 Dear Colleagues, Today, our hearts are extremely heavy. 澳门银河网站收到了非常不幸的消息


曾经是澳门银河网站家族的一员, 一直是澳门银河网站大家庭的一员——但在毕业之后, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, 然后问他们胡把你带到哪里去了. Alex Singleton Alex


临冬节又来了,宝贝! This annual weekend-long party celebrates the start of the new year and the happy return of Heidelberg students back to campus. 由贝格活动委员会策划和主办, 这些事件的一些细节每年都在变化, 但澳门银河网站的精神是一样的:“澳门银河网站都回来了, 让澳门银河网站有一个最喜欢的周末! 去伯格!”


本文由Ryan Scott撰写,发表在D3hoops上.com. “在30出头,澳门银河网站初级警卫说, 以赛亚书年轻, when asked how much time he spends each week focused on his primary non-academic pursuit. That might not sound too extreme for most Division III basketball players — two hours of practice, 一周工作六天, 另一个